We are coobi
And we believe that now, more than ever, there is a need to find effective solutions to problematic behaviour and addiction.
Why we are building coobi
Deeply stigmatised and often neglected in public conversations, addiction leaves countless people feeling isolated and desperate, although they are far from alone. Every day, millions of people are facing problematic behaviour or addiction, with a worrying 50-85% relapsing within the first year of treatment.
At coobi, we're passionate about providing a compassionate, accessible solution that truly understands and addresses the complex challenges faced by individuals and fosters a supportive and inclusive community.
Partners & Supporters
coobi is part of the Vision Health Pioneers Incubator programme and is funded by the European Social Fund and the Berlin Senate. Furthermore, as a member of the Fraunhofer Ahead Deeptech programme, coobi collaborates with two Fraunhofer Institutions, the IKS and the IAO.